Follow the phases of healing to prevent prolonged pain and suffering:
Reduce pain, stress and frustration
Reduce your muscle tension
Recover strength the right way to heal
Regain activity, function and endurance
So you can return to everything you want
How Buddy's elbow healed...
Hear how Buddy's elbow healed with my unique method for treating Tennis Elbow. He is now back playing drums like you would not believe!!
Actually, you don't have to take my word for it - scroll below to check out his banging recent video...

Featured here:

If you have said ANY of these things:
1. I feel so helpless with the pain!
2. I don't know what I did!
3. Nothing is helping!
4. There is NO comfortable position!
5. Is there anything that actually WORKS?
6. I didn't do anything to cause this!
7. It hurts all the way from my neck to my fingers!
8. Any little movement is excruciating!
9. I cannot find a comfortable position!
10. IF I could just get some sleep, I would feel better!
You are in the RIGHT place, you CAN be helped!

I developed a brand new way of healing tennis elbow when I worked with Buddy.
My method is totally unique and is very different to anything you will have experienced before.
It works on your body as a whole to encompass normalizing the nervous system, which in turn allows the tendon to heal.
If you don't address the nervous system, the tendon can never heal and you'll experience prolonged pain and suffering.
This method will work for you even if everything else you've tried has let you down.
Buddy now...
Who is the Tennis Elbow Queen?

Emma Green found physical therapy through being a patient herself at age 13 – after the doctor told her that she needed to give up gymnastics – which she thankfully didn’t have to do! She quickly realized that physical therapy was the career for her as she thoroughly enjoys helping people and solving people's health and wellness challenges, many times surprising the medical doctors by how well her clients recover! A common phrase you’ll hear her say is “I love proving the doctors wrong!” when clients are told they will have to give up something they love, like tennis, golf or even playing ball with their kids!
Emma gets it. She has faced many of the same challenges you face today. She knows what it’s like to be scared about whether you’ll ever be able to be active again. It’s physically and emotionally devastating to not be able to participate in the activities you love. Let’s be honest - it’s scary when you don’t know how you’re ever going to get back to doing the things you long to do, especially if your doctor only offered pain medications or injections and you’re so busy with work and family that it’s hard to find time to search for other solutions. Emma has figured out how to keep her clients doing the things they love and being active. That’s why she created her Excellent Elbows Program - to make sure that no one has to suffer from a lack of care or being told they have to stop doing what they love like she did as a 13 year-old.
If you’re serious about getting back to the activities you love, then Emma Green is the guide for you.
Emma graduated from Manchester University, England as a Physical Therapist and added a Masters degree in Sports Medicine. She is now dual qualified being both a licensed Physical Therapist (USA) and a State Registered Physiotherapist (UK) along with being certified in Clinical Pilates through the Australian Physiotherapy and Pilates Institute (APPI).
​Emma's early career saw her traveling worldwide with numerous sport's teams, the highlight of which was working at the London 2012 Olympic Games.