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Can a tear in the common extensor tendon heal itself, accompanied by tendinosis?

If you've been in my world for any length of time, you've likely heard me say "I LOVE questions!"

I really do!

So, I'm committing to answering the most common questions I get asked to help you out - if someone is asking this question, it's likely that MANY other people are wondering this too!

Here's today's question, asked by a member of my Facebook group:

Can a tear in the common extensor tendon heal itself, accompanied by tendinosis?

And here's my answer:

Hey, tendinosis can fully resolve. Tears can heal - it depends on the size though. Having said that - the symptoms (pain) from tears CAN be fully resolved with the right treatment. Are you using heat?

So, if you have been diagnosed with a tear - it CAN fully resolve!

I recently helped a chef who had an MRI that showed a hole right through his tendon. It was SO uncomfortable and painful when he was trying to do anything in the kitchen - lifting pans, chopping vegetables even lifting his coffee cup!

Thankfully, there is a program that can fully resolve these symptoms WITHOUT injections or surgery being needed!

After working with me for just one month, he was pain free and able to tackle any activity in the kitchen with NO flare ups!

The sooner you start the right strategies, the sooner you'll be pain free too!

If you are not a member of my free Facebook group, you can join here or by clicking the big button below.

Let me know what questions you have - remember, I LOVE questions!!

Let's heal your elbow,


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