Happy Earth Day!
I'll be sowing California poppy seeds today in celebration of Earth Day and I'll be sowing seeds of hope tomorrow morning during my live session at the Tennis Summit.
Many tennis elbow sufferers feel down, demoralized and frustrated by their lack of healing and constant pain. Thinking that they'll never be pain-free again or will never be able to play again.
Thankfully, that's not the case and tennis elbow can be completely resolved.
All too often I see sufferers who have tried traditional therapy and it didn't work for them.
Or they were sent to a general therapist who, through no fault of their own, doesn't have the specialist knowledge to heal tennis elbow and yet again, the sufferer is let down and left thinking that they will never heal. This is what life looks like for them now - constant pain and being unable to do the activities they love due to their elbow hurting.
This is where I sow the seeds of hope!
It is possible to recover from tennis elbow.
It is possible to get back to playing completely pain-free after suffering from tennis elbow.
Many sufferers feel they have tried everything and are incredibly surprised to see some of the components of the Tennis Elbow Relief program. Indeed, some of my instructions may seem totally out of place for an elbow injury. For example:
strengthening the core to help heal the elbow.
Doing an exercise for the neck to heal the elbow.
Changing nutrition or
adding in cardio exercise in a specific way to heal the elbow.
All of these components are needed in order to heal in the fastest and most robust way possible. Unfortunately, these components were likely missing from the treatment the sufferers had previously received. Were they missing from yours?
So, I'll be sowing the seeds of hope to these people tomorrow April 23rd 2022 at 9am Pacific / 12pm Eastern / 5pm UK.
If you are curious about what has been missing from your own treatment program, I'd love you to join me. Bring your questions - I LOVE questions!
Just click the button below to register for the Tennis Summit (it's FREE) and you'll get the link emailed to you for tomorrow's session.
Hope to see you there!